
Showing posts from December, 2016

though lost eyes, re-discovering a game from my past.

Back when I was in Jr high school I wrote a "RPG" about pro wrestling, which I creatively titled "The wrestling game." I don't remember exactly when. I know it was before High school, before being able to drive, and all the distractions that come from that sort of thing. We would get together at one of our homes and play D&D, Car wars, Star fleet battles, or whatever was on deck. Since we were relying on rides from others, we would never all arrived at the same time. So I wrote the wrestling game to fill those minutes before the group had fully convened. We played it a few times. I think we enjoyed it. I guess that's when I got the game design bug. I realized I could makes something my friends and I could share and enjoy. Since then I have always held a soft spot for pro wrestling games. Not that there have been a ton of them, but there have been a few. Here's a quick list of some of the Wrestling games I've read through in the years since I wrot

Random NPC appearance, features, oddities, habits, perhaps some strangeness.

This post is just for fun. Use it at your own risk. Enjoy. Modern, post apocalypse, undercity dwelling, odd ball NPC's Chart 1: NPC is 1d6: 1-2 Male 3-4 Female 5-6 Given their present state and manner of dress it's impossible to tell. Chart: 2 Stature Roll 1d6: on a roll of 1 to 4 the person is of average stature on a roll of 5 or 6 roll on the chart below. Person is hunched over, drags a leg when they walk. Hard to tell a true height. Person is extremely tall, over 6 foot 5 inches, thin as a rail. Person is  very small. just about  4 foot tall. Person Morbidly obese. Person is of average height and very muscular. Strikingly statuesque and hansom. This person is below average in height  and heavy set, wears large platform shoes for a bit of extra lift. This person is tall well over 6 foot and heavy set, a human wall. This person wears super baggy clothing that dragon on the floor behind them, impossible to gage height or weight. This person is small and frail. Chart 3:  Hair Ro

D&D is Murder...(Crime and Punishment Edition.)

My applogies for the reduced posting frequency . It will likely pick up again after the  US holidays. Rather this is about the idea of Murder in D&D. Murder most foul. The players in our group kill all the time. I mean it's kind of their thing. Still it has been a rare occurrence when they outright murder someone. in one of our recent games Limura a ranger dropped two sailors in broad daylight. Mind you the sailors were working for "the bad guys" and Limura was covering the back of a fellow party member .. still. Murder in the streets. Naturally people screamed women fainted, guards were called. In the end the party had to flee the city as attempts to arrest them intensified. Having a boat that flies helped them greatly in that escape. On the other side of that messengers will have been sent out letting it be known that the persons involved are wanted in the city of Torin, for Murder.  That's an albatross hanging around their necks that will be difficult to cut lo