
Showing posts from May, 2017

Part 1: GEN CON. Part 2: Old School, New school, not talking out of school.

Mixed bag post today: Part 1: AAIE is being run at Gen Con 😁 .. Not by me Neal Tanner who is a Gen Con veteran and the  most adamant proponent of AAIE on the face of planet earth ... (more adamant even than  your's truly.) There were 5 seats at the table and they all sold!  Neal will have a full group of  what could be the most discriminating gamers, at the  granddaddy of all conferences. I hope he kills all of their characters in the most brutal and random ways possible. It's cool, knowing that one of my humble games will be  played at Gencon. I appreciate the effort Neal went through to make that happen. I have an odd relationship with Cons. I used to  joke with a friend back in school that someday we would make it to Gen-Con, I mean it's not that far honestly a couple hours by plane, we could do it. Now that I'm older and Gen-Con is so, so much bigger. I don't think I could do it anymore. I t has effectively been taken off my bucket list and replaced with t

A Non Review of "Monkey Business" by the Disorientated Ranger.

Monkey Business By Jens Durke. Disclosure: This can't be a review because I'm too close to the project. Not only did I chat with Jens often during his time working on the project. I also contributed some art. Rather than a review the following text should be considered info piece.   The writer behind the " Disoriented Range r (DR)" blog has put out a module called Monkey Business . It is currently available via Drive through RPG, I believe he plans on a POD version later on, though I can't directly speak to that. Anyone who has followed the DR blog in any capacity  will know that Jens does not take a shallow stab at anything. He specializes in deep dives. It doesn't matter if he's figuring out a method to roll up Hierarchies for NPC's or Preparing to Run an adventure  he always pulls from diverse schools of thought to put his ideas together. I can say without fear of insulting Jens that he "connects the dots" in interesting ways and designs