
Showing posts from April, 2020

Being a system nerd has become a waste of time.

This my dear reader is a good thing. I'ts 2020. There is a new generation of RPG players out there and they  have the buying power in the RPG industy.  Ones that have absolutely no connection to the  war gaming history of the hobby.  Players who really only want to see their  tiefling sorcerer steal a kiss from the barbarian the evening before setting off to face the big bad.  Players who don't want a scribe, a mapper, or a caller. Players who want to watch RPG's on youube and Twitch, the way we used to watch Conan and Krull. ones who want to hear how the  light plays off the gems on the gypsie's hem.  Players who don't mind if the game they’re watching is not a group of friends creating an emergent story. Rather a group of actors brought together via casting call, and running through a GM's vision of the game. Players who don't particularity care "Miniatures move and fight using a ratio of either 1:20 (one miniature representing 20 t