
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Anatomy of Balance in AAIE

AAIE Update: I hear the two games of AAIE at Dexecon went well, it was one of the rare play-tests after which I did nto get a small "Please add or adjust X,Y, and Z" For the play-testers so I guess that's a good thing...I'm sure there will be more feed back when I get to talk to Neal. I'm running a small online game Saturday morning  with one person who has not played AAIE before. I'm hoping to get more feedback after that game as well. Naturally, when I do I'll post it here. Also: Got to play a game with Charles Akins from " The Dyvers Blog ", Jens D, from " The disoriented Ranger " and Jen's pal Marcus on Saturday Morning. A fun game was had.. The series includes: The Anatomy of Weapons. AAIE "The town" The anatomy of Balance. The Anatomy of a Perk. The Anatomy of an Ability The Anatomy of AAIE Magic I read this post   over on the " Mythlands of Erce " blog. It inspired me to  post about my views on game balan

The Anatomy of a Perk: (AAIE Game stuff)

Game Update: Neal still editing, Game is being run twice at Dexcon This weekend: July 8tyh and 9th I think, once by Neal and once by one of his friends.. The series includes: The Anatomy of Weapons. AAIE "The town" The anatomy of Balance. The Anatomy of a Perk. The Anatomy of an Ability The Anatomy of AAIE Magic The second part in my "The Anatomy of" posts. This series is about  the parts of AAIE and what the heck I was thinking about when I slapped them together. * The first part about Abilities can be found here . ** Perks, how to get them, and what they do for you: Perks are an in-line reward mechanism. What I mean by "inline" is that the rewards happen during play, not as part of the level up system. When a player rolls They first check to see if the action they are attempting is a success. If the action is successful and the  players effect die is high enough *** the player earns a perk. (or triggers a perk if that's how you want to say it.) Per