What does your dwarf see?

I love Dwarf characters:

This  PDF About Historic Masonry deterioration and  preventative maintenance, is decidedly not "gamish" though I found it  pretty interesting to read.

Using that PDF as a source when a Dwarf player is traipsing around a dungeon and asks, "do I notice anything about the condition of my surroundings?" If the GM determines there should be something Roll on the chart below.

(Roll 1d12 for  feature, 1d10 for severity)

Severity 1-4. minor 5-7.moderate 8-9.pronounced  10.concerning*


  1. Blistering: Swelling and rupturing of a thin uniform skin acrossed the masonarys bedding plane. A the concerning level could represent something being hidden behind a masonry false front, or a hollow area behind a wall.
  2. Chipping: Large pieces are missing , usually on corners, At the concerning level , this could show signs of  alterations done to the  masonry, or  direct attempts to  damage the masonry in the past.
  3. Coving: Erosion undercutting the  base of the masonry. At the concerning level, could affect the stability of walls.
  4. Cracks: Are cracks in the masonry. at the concerning level they could represent an unstable are  of construction , or an area that has shifted in elevation / grade.
  5. Crazing: A small spider web of cracks usually in glaze or in concrete. an the concerning level this could show an area that has flooded in the past.
  6. Crumbling: Brittle masonry that falls away. This shows that a masonry  might be quite old.   At the concerning level, could affect the stability of walls.
  7. Delamination: Large laminate sheets fall away from the surface of the masonry. At the concerning level these sheets could be an environmental to those passing by, depending on size and weight.
  8. Erosion / Weathering: Wearing away for corners and edges by natural forces. A clever dwarven mason could use this  sign to guess at the age of a structure. At the concerning level it could show an area that experiences  seasonal floods, or that the  masonry is unstable.
  9. Pitting: Small pock marked areas due to the removal of individual components of the masonry. At the concerning level this could point to the presence of chlorine gas or acids.
  10. Subflorescence: Build up of salts within the masonry. Hard to detect directly some  white powdery buildup on the  outside of the masonry could be taken as a sign. At the  concerning level this could  point to old unstable masonry, a void behind a wall, or an area that experiences dramatic temperature extremes.
  11. Surface crust: The movement of moisture out of masonary  caries minerals which form a crust. At the concerning level this rust may hide, or impede the functioning of ancient stone doors. A concerning crust might also warn a dwarf of weak stones or stones which have effectively disintegrated leaving only the crust behind. (Don't walk on those!)
  12. Rising Damp:  The suction of  moisture into masonry from the  ground via capillary action is called rising damp. At the concerning level this could  show a dwarf that a building is badly drained, and in older structures may not be completely stable. It could also be a clue that there is water below a structure.
Thanks for reading:


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