A note about AAIE at Gen-Con 2017

Gen Con is almost upon which was my personal goal for  AAIE to  be wrapt. I don't think the  editing of AAIE is  quite done more to the point I know I personally have not done the amount of art I would have liked to. Unless something amazing happens I'll change the timetable in my mind. Not being done quite yet isn't a big deal, at the end of the  day  AAIE is a homemade project with  no discernible anticipation beyond the people directly working with it.  No harm no foul as they say.
A note about Gen-Con 17
If you are at Gen-Con on Wednesday Night look for Neal running a table of AAIE for five players somewhere in that vast sprawling con. I think he will have contact information for the Dustpan games website and whatnot with him. Unfortunately I won't be there because of work, money, anxiety, all those things that conspire to keep me away from a huge con like Gen-con.
If by chance you do see Neal at the con tell him I said, "Thank you for running the game." Then tell him you ... "know Johann Tyree."

So I'm truncating this post here, I plan to continue it at another point.
Fact is it's Tuesday Night... and If this doesn't get scheduled to be posted Wednesday morning everything I wrote at the top will be moot..

Thanks for reading  .


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