Seven Years of Fantasy Weather.

Just boosting the signal of an interesting product.

Seven years of Fantasy Weather Volume 1 Medieval England (by Written Oakes Spalding) has been bouncing around my G+ and social media Feed this week.

 The  pitch from Drive through is as follows:
Each twelve-hour day or evening entry includes information on temperature (in Celcius and Fahrenheit) weather events - fog, thunderstorm, blizzard, etc. - amount of rainfall/snowfall, occurrence or possibility of lightning, wind speed, wind direction, phases of the moon, effect on movement rates and chance of getting lost. It's an almanac for the fantasy gamer. No more annoying die rolling or consulting an app or online program to generate a random or patternless result. With FANTASY WEATHER you can see all of it at a glance
This is one of those things I never knew I needed. An Idea which out of the blue that makes me think, "Damn, I wish I thought of that." As such I wanted to  to pass it along, with a thumbs up. Furthermore it all looks well presented in a familiar / classic old school format that is user friendly and easy to read. The effort to compile this work, and format it with such an obvious eye towards the look and feel of  "Original Old School" products seems worth more than the asking price of $7.00 U.S.

Lastly there's promise of more Volumes of  "Fantasy Weather" which  makes me think how cool would it be to  print them all (once they are done)  into a binder for  reference as needed.

If it's the kind of thing you could use at your table give it a look.


Disclaimer: You have read this before. I don't know the author of this product, I did not receive this product, I don't do "Affiliate" links on this blog as of this writing.


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